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Industry Focus

Since the company’s founding in 2010 we have focused our efforts in the public sector. We have found that this is an area typically underfunded and under resourced. We have always believed that government and education should be as technologically advanced as the private sector. Our core message is the same though, looking for the bottlenecked manual processes that are creating the most headaches for management and staff.

























Elections & Voter Registration - Implementing software to manage the training, work assignments, and payment to temporary workers at election times.

Private and Independent Schools - Working with School Business Officers to establish and execute school-wide document retention programs.

Public K12 Schools - Document scanning services for student records.

City & County Clerks Offices - Creating transparency solutions through electronic data collection and forms management.

An overview of the impact one of our solutions had on a County Department


County Elections Office - The Elections office in Georgia was facing new challenges as the state changed the way voters could vote. The main change extended absentee voting to 45 days and allowed for voters to vote absentee for any reason. For the Elections Office this increased the strain on its existing employees to complete the absentee process. The biggest challenge was how to complete signature verification on the increased number of absentee ballot applications they received. This could number in the thousands and each verification took 5 - 10 minutes to complete. The only option the Elections Office had was to add temporary employees to complete the job.  In some counties this was not possible due to budget constraints, leaving the employees to work long excessive hours to complete the job.


SIVAD met with various Elections Offices to get a better understanding of the issue. SIVAD found that the signature verification process was a very manual task requiring employees to physically go to multiple places to find the information they needed. Once the information / documents were gathered and a signature verification was made, copies were then made of some of the documents gathered and the originals were put back into storage.  After a ballot was issued and mailed, the returning mailed ballot had to go through the same signature verification process again to have the vote counted.


Once SIVAD fully understood the problem facing Elections Offices they were able to offer a solution that included the conversion of all the paper voter registration cards to a digital imaged format. SIVAD was also able to show the Elections Offices how they could do a side-by-side electronic comparison of documents for much quicker signature verification.


The outcome was a signature verification process that once took 5 - 10 minutes now took 30 seconds to complete. There was no longer a need to make copies of documents which also saved on paper costs. The SIVAD solution enabled some of our Elections Office customers to reduce their need for temporaries by half.

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